Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Interview Numero Uno

(full disclosure: this is blatant thievery from one Adam White... so thanks... and don't sue)

So I thought I'd do my first interview... the idea of doing interviews was mentioned in my first post, so I thought I'd follow through with it. But who should the first interviewee be? Why not interview yourself? Ya that's a great.... wait who are you!?!? I'm the right side of your brain being creative (slash stealing this shtick)! Well this is weird... ok lets do this

Q: What have you been doing the past few days?
Don: Well I've been pretty busy with hanging out with friends on the weekend, working during the week, and finding time/energy to fit some good training in between. Friday was an off day, and Saturday (after getting locked out of my own apartment... long story) Tommy and I went for good 6 miler and Monday we did a fast 6 miler. I've been more tired recently, so I'm a little worried of over training. Luckily being 4 months away I have time to recover.

Q: What made you think you could do a marathon in 3 hours?
Don: What? Why couldn't I?
Q: I'm supposed to be asking the questions! Well even your mother said "you were never an athlete," and it takes an athlete to go that fast, a smaller athlete at that.
Don: Oh come on don't tell everyone that story! She was just saying that I had to work harder because I wasn't a born athlete. But this whole idea of 3 hours came up because its the time that many non-runners point at as a very impressive time. In 2008 I was working out pretty consistently, running on the treadmill in the gym alot and did the math to find that a 3 hr marathon is 8.7mph. One day in the gym, I got on the treadmill just as the 2008 US Open playoff started between Rocko Mediate and Tiger, and set it to 8.7mph thinking it would be just a 30 minute run and after an hour I decided to go for the half marathon. I ended up doing 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 27 minutes. Lets just say I had some blisters but it also planted the idea of going for a 3hr marathon.

Q: He's a big dumb animal folks...
Don: Shut-up
Q: Easy buddy... so do you know anything about running marathons?
Don: Not a thing... I've been trying to do research, but I'm keeping it simple: upping my mileage every week, doing some interval stuff, trying to lose some weight, and using some stuff I've learned about training during my rowing career
Q: What has your "research" come up with professor?
Don: Yuk yuk... well I now know that I have to average 6:51 miles to get my goal, which is a few seconds faster than I thought, but doable. Shorter strides with quicker turnover (# strides per minute) is more efficient than long lunging strides like I used to do.

Q: How come nobody has read your blog yet?
Don: Because I'm self conscious about my writing and have yet to publicize it yet... thanks bringing that up....
Q: You're welcome

Q: To close: do you have anything else you'd like to say?
Don: Yes. Please donate and leave comments!
Q: But I'm just your sub-conscious, I don't have any money...
Don: The readers!!! Not you damn sub-conscious!

1 comment:

  1. you are seriously cracking me up reading this....
